Monday, 9 January 2012

no word...


Republican Presidential candidate Rick Santorum says he would love a gay son regardless

Anti-gay American politician Rick Santorum has claimed he would not love his son any less if he 'came out' as gay.


Monday, 9 January 2012

Anti-gay American politician Rick Santorum has claimed he would not love his son any less if he 'came out' as gay.

The Republican party candidate for the 2012 Presidential election made the assertion after sparking criticism for his recent homophobic comments at a college Q&A in New Hampshire.

As reported on last week, Santorum was booed for saying that heterosexual marriage was superior to gay marriage because they produce offspring.

But, when asked in an interview with American news station NBC how he would respond to having a gay son, he replied: "I would love him as much as I did the second before he said it," the former Pennsylvania senator replied. "And I would try to do everything I can to be as good a father to him as possible."

Santorum, a father of seven, has previously compared homosexuality to pedophilia and bestiality.

Asked in Sunday's debate if he would fight for greater rights if elected, Santorum replied: "I would be a voice in speaking out for making sure that every person in America, gay or straight, is treated with respect and dignity and has equality of opportunity.

"That does not mean that I would agree with certain things that the gay community would like to do to change laws, with respect to marriage or respect to adoption, and things like that."

Friday, 6 January 2012

Shakespeare was gay


Sir Ian McKellen says “no doubt” Shakespeare was gay
by Staff Writer,
6 January 2012, 10:28am

Sir Ian McKellen has been an actor for over
fifty years (Photo: Stefan Servos)
Sir Ian McKellen has reportedly said he has “no doubt” the complexities and plot devices of Shakespeare’s work mean the playwright was gay.

The Daily Mail reports a comment made by McKellen that the relationship between two characters in The Merchant of Venice made it “obvious” the writer had sexual relationships with men.

Sir Ian, who has been an active actor for over 50 years, said: “I’d say Shakespeare slept with men.

“The Merchant of Venice, centering on how the world treats gays as well as Jews, has a love triangle between an older man, younger man and a woman.

“And the complexity in his comedies with cross-dressing and disguises is immense. Shakespeare obviously enjoyed sex with men as well as women.”

Some believe there is a gay subtext to the relationship between Antonio and Bassanio, the characters McKellen refers to.

The late WH Auden once described Antonio as “a man whose emotional life, though his conduct may be chaste, is concentrated upon a member of his own sex.”

The actor Joseph Fiennes said he saw “very sensuous language” when playing Bassanio. While he did not believe in a sexual relationship between the characters, he did surprise his co-star Jeremy Irons with a kiss during one scene.

Irons, who played a similarly sexually ambiguous role as Charles Ryder in the TV adaptation of Brideshead Revisited, said he did not intend on playing the Antonio character as definitely gay.